BattleTech Legends: Exodus Road by Blaine Lee Pardoe

BattleTech Legends: Exodus Road by Blaine Lee Pardoe

Author:Blaine Lee Pardoe
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
Published: 2016-11-28T08:00:00+00:00


Abandoned Methane Plant


West of Warrenton, Hyner

Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone

5 April 3055

A rattle of impacts from shrapnel lanced into Trent’s Timber Wolf as he bore down on what was left of the mercenary Orion knee-deep in the black waters of the swamp. The ‘Mech had lost almost all its armor, and flames lapped up its torso, sending smoke into the twilight sky. Trent’s lasers dug into the area from which flames emerged, mauling the internal structure of the Orion even more.

The Orion pilot tried to move backward, hoping to evade the Timber Wolf standing on the bank near it, but the move cost it what balance it had left. It fell forward into the black waters, sending a cloud of hissing steam into the evening air. As the swamp closed over the ‘Mech, there was a deep rumble under the water, followed by a massive bubble of air escaping.

Trent pivoted the torso of the Timber Wolf and checked the short-range sensors of his secondary display. The sensors told him the grim truth. The battalion of mercenary forces had been surrounded immediately, but had put up a grim fight to break free. Before him was a pond, surrounded by dense forest growth, and beyond that was what was left of his command. Lior had been downed by the Orion Trent had just killed, and Laurel had ejected since the last time he had checked his display. He got no indication of what had become of Styx, but Trent assumed that the younger warrior had either met his fate or was in the process of doing so. The signals from the other two Binaries involved in the fight were intermittent at best, but the battle was not going as the Jaguars had expected.

Ansel’s Mad Dog was at the edge of Trent’s sensors limit, and from the signals he was receiving, Ansel’s Omni was nearly dead. Trent wanted to signal Ansel to withdraw, but he knew the other warrior would not. It was not in his nature. The odds were stubbornly even, and even though the enemy were mercenaries, they had showed themselves well in battle.

Just then Trent saw a dark maroon Guillotine emerge from the other side of the bog. He dropped his targeting reticule on it as it opened up with its medium lasers. One of the mediums missed, stabbing into the bog and making it boil. The other three dragged across the chest armor of Trent’s Timber Wolf. He held steady and let go with both his long-range missile racks as the Guillotine returned fire with its own short-range missiles.

The two waves of missiles passed mid-flight, and both sets found their marks. The Timber Wolf buckled under the barrage, its legs shedding armor plating as the warhead went off. Trent did not watch his own missiles impact, but advanced forward to make himself a harder target. Pivoting at the torso he saw the Guillotine come into sight on its jump jets.

His own damage display showed several breaches in his armor, the damage shimmering a deadly red.


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